How to Remove Redwood Stains From Car Paint?

How to Remove Redwood Stains From Car Paint?

Parking under a tree or next to a park is a concern because of bird droppings. But recently, the tree sap on the car is becoming particularly annoying during the spring season. Most of our clients are worried about this type of wood stain, which can damage the car’s paint. When we asked them about it, we found that redwood was the main culprit. Their response was very quick to know how to remove redwood stains from car paint.

Whenever you face a redwood stain accidentally, you have to remove it faster. Otherwise, tree stains can damage your car finish. These stains naturally extract from durable redwood and have a pretty high concentration. High-concentration redwood stains can discolor the car paint within a short time. 

This article will try to find a suitable solution to remove redwood stains to protect car paint.

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What Is Redwood Stain?

Redwood stains are not the wood color sold in the market. In this article, we are not talking about wood paint. It is wood or tree sap from a redwood, a liquid with a high concentration. 

Redwood is a famous tree that contains high levels of tannins. Tannin is a type of acid that is naturally produced inside the redwood. It protects the tree but stains dark on different surfaces like your clothes, bags or vehicle exterior. This Tannin is called redwood stain. 

The largest problem is redwood stain falls a lot from the tree. So it becomes hard to clean. It would help if you had a suitable car cleaner to remove it before it damages your car finish or paints.

Is Redwood Stain Permanent?

Redwood stain or Tannin is a sticky liquid. Since it is acidic, you can compare it to the composition of grapes or wine. All of them work almost the same. Usually, redwood stains are somewhat sticky so that they can be permanent. However, thanks to sunlight, bleach the power of Tannin and do not let it be permanent. 

So, what should you do if your car’s paint is affected by a redwood stain? Shouldn’t you remove it? Obviously, you need to remove redwood tree sap stains on car paint as soon as possible. Tannins can last only a short time to ruin a car’s paint finish. Its acidic strength is sufficient to damage the paint finish and the original paint quickly.

So, whenever redwood stain accidentally gets into your car, you should focus on the cleaning method.

What Can Remove Redwood Stains from Car Paint?

Different types of Tannin stains can attack your car. Each type requires different things to remove. Let’s try to know one by one.

So, while removing the redwood stain, you must identify the stain you need to clean. Redwood stain is quite hard. So, it requires multiple things to do cleaning treatment.

You need a bucket of hot water. Hot water is a crucial item that comes in handy while removing hard items like stains. Secondly, you can use a soft detergent that does not harm the car paint. Besides, you can use white bleach, which effectively removes redwood stains on car paint

You can use a heavy-duty detergent if the redwood stain is very hard. Besides, you can use a stain cleaner if that has no bad effect on car paint and finish. An important note; It is better to avoid very hot water.

How to Remove Redwood Stain From Car Paint?

How to Remove Redwood Stain From Car Paint?

Ok, enough talking. It is time to know how to remove redwood stains from car paint. Almost every basic knowledge has been given about the disadvantage of redwood stains. Now, arrange all cleaning tools and follow the steps one by one.


  • Oxalic acid-based stain remover.
  • Cold water.
  • Warm water.
  • Rust remover.
  • Sponge.
  • Microfiber towel.
  • Car paint wax.


  1. First, buy an oxalic acid-based cleaning solution to remove redwood stains. You can buy it in different forms, such as liquid, powder, or premixed gel. If the redwood stain covers a large area, then powder form is the best choice.
  2. Mix acid powder with water. The mixture can then be placed in a bucket or spray bottle. It will be convenient to use a spray bottle.
  3. Wet the surface to apply the oxalic acid mixture. Apply a rust remover based on the manufacturer’s instructions.
  4. Dried tannins take a minimum of 20 minutes to neutralize completely. You have to wait until redwood stains melt completely. It does not require rubbing. 
  5. Finally, clean the car’s surface with warm water. You can use a sponge or a microfiber towel to wash neutralized redwood stains.

Moreover, you need to maintain your car by cleaning it on a regular basis. Some car owners use car shampoo. Generally, we recommend to car cleaner. You can use awesome cleaner on car paint, a popular car paint cleaner. 

How Long Does It Take to Remove Redwood Stain From Car Paint?

How Long Does It Take to Remove Redwood Stain From Car Paint

Removing redwood stains from car paint is not a long task. You need to wait a few minutes (15-20 minutes) to remove it from the car paint. It is a very simple process, and you do not need expensive equipment for this task.

You don’t have to go to an auto service centre for the removal of the redwood stain. With a good quality leaf stain cleaner or oxalic acid mixture, you can easily remove redwood stains from car paint in the garage.

Do greasy fingerprints bother you next to redwood stains? Check out this article on how to remove greasy fingerprints from car paint.

Final Verdict

At this end, it is clear that redwood stain is hard to remove if it is hardened enough. So, whatever decision you make, clean the stain as soon as possible. We have provided the easiest way how to remove redwood stains from car paint. 

It is a serious matter. Redwood stains can damage your car paint easily. If it damages car paint or not, it will damage the paint coating must. If there is no coating, then your car paint is in critical danger. So, clean the redwood tree stains from car paint at best possible time.

Are you understand How to Remove Redwood Stains From Car Paint? Let me know in the comment section.

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